Automotive Incandescent Bulbs
























Part Overall
Number Volts Watt Base Type Length
24L 14 3.36 Wedge 0.86"
24NA 14 3.36 Wedge 0.86"
24-PSB 24 1.75 Slide No.5 0.91"
28-PSB 28 1.12 Slide No.5 0.91"
37 14 1.26 Subminiature Wedge 0.80"
PC37 14 1.26 Printed Circuit 0.84"
53 14 1.73 Miniature Bayonet 0.94"
57 14 3.36 Miniature Bayonet 1.07"
67 13.5 7.97 S.C. Bayonet 0.81"
68 13.5 7.97 D.C. Bayonet 0.81"
70 14 2.1 Subminiature Wedge 0.80"
73 14 1.12 Subminiature Wedge 0.80"
74 14 1.4 Subminiature Bayonet 0.80"
85 28 1.12 Subminiature Wedge 0.80"
89 13 7.54 S.C. Bayonet 1.44"
90 13 7.54 D.C. Bayonet 1.44"
93 12.8 13.31 S.C. Bayonet 2.00"
94 12.8 13.31 D.C. Bayonet 2.00"
97 13.5 9.3 S.C. Bayonet 1.44"
98 13 8.06 S.C. Bayonet 1.44"
105 12.8 12.8 S.C. Bayonet 1.75"
161 14 2.66 Wedge 1.06"
168 14 4.9 Wedge 1.06"
193 14 4.62 Wedge 1.06"
194 14 3.78 Wedge 1.06"
194NA 14 3.78 Wedge 1.06"
194PC 14 3.78 Printed Circuit 1.11"
198 14 28.8 D.C. Index 1.25"
199 12.8 28.8 S.C. Bayonet 1.25"
211 12.8 12.42 Festoon Caps 1.75"
211-2 12.8 12.42 End Caps 1.72"
222 2.25 0.56 Miniature Screw 0.94"
265 28 2.24 Miniature Bayonet 0.94"
293 14 4.62 Miniature Bayonet 1.07"
382 14 1.12 S.C. Midget Flanged 0.63"
400 28 2.8 Wedge 1.06"
425 5 2.5 Miniature Screw 1.06"
464 28 4.76 Wedge 1.06"
456 28 4.76 Miniature Bayonet 1.07"
561 12.8 12.42 Rigid Loop 1.72"
571 12.8 26.9 D.C. Rigid Loop 1.91"
623 28 10.36 S.C. Bayonet 1.44"
624 28 10.36 D.C. Bayonet 1.44"
755 6.3 0.95 Miniature Bayonet 1.19"
757 28 2.24 Miniature Bayonet 1.19"
795 12.8 50 S.C. Bayonet 2.50"
904 13.5 9.32 Wedge 1.49"
906 13 9.32 Wedge 1.49"
912 12.8 12.8 Wedge 1.49"
914 4 3.6 Wedge 1.49"
921 12.8 17.92 Wedge 1.49"
922 12.8 12.54 Wedge 1.49"
1003 12.8 12.03 S.C. Bayonet 1.75"
1004 12.8 12.03 D.C. Bayonet 1.75"
1076 12.8 23.04 D.C. Bayonet 2.00"
1141 12.8 18.43 S.C. Bayonet 2.00"
Part Overall
Number Volts Watt Base Type Length
1142 12.8 18.43 D.C. Bayonet 2.00"
1155 13.5 7.97 S.C. Bayonet 1.44"
1156 12.8 26.88 S.C. Bayonet 2.00"
1156DC 12.8 26.88 D.C. Bayonet 2.00"
1156NA 12.8 26.88 S.C. Bayonet 2.00"
1157 12.8 26.88 D.C. Index 2.00"
1157NA 12.8 26.88 D.C. Index 2.00"
1195 12.5 37.5 S.C. Bayonet 2.25"
1203 28 19.88 S.C. Bayonet 2.00"
1251 28 6.44 S.C. Bayonet 1.44"
1252 28 6.44 D.C. Bayonet 1.44"
1445 14.4 1.87 Miniature Bayonet 0.94"
1450 24 0.84 Miniature Bayonet 0.94"
1638 28 28.56 D.C. Bayonet 2.00"
1662 28/28 25.2 D.C. Index 2.00"
1683 28 28.56 S.C. Bayonet 2.00"
1816 13 4.29 Miniature Bayonet 1.19"
1819 28 1.12 Miniature Bayonet 1.19"
1820L 28 2.8 Miniature Bayonet 1.19"
1821 28 4.76 Miniature Screw 1.19"
1847 6.3 0.95 Miniature Bayonet 1.19"
1850 5 0.45 Miniature Bayonet 1.19"
1864 28 4.76 Miniature Bayonet 1.19"
1866 6.3 1.58 Miniature Bayonet 1.19"
1873 28 5.6 Miniature Bayonet 1.19"
1889 14 3.78 Miniature Bayonet 1.19"
1891 14 3.36 Miniature Bayonet 1.19"
1893 14 4.62 Miniature Bayonet 1.19"
1895 14 3.78 Miniature Bayonet 1.07"
2057 12.8 26.88 D.C. Index 2.00"
2057NA 12.8 26.88 D.C. Index 2.00"
2233 28 22.4 S.C. Bayonet 2.00"
2357 12.8 28.16 D.C. Index 2.00"
2357NA 12.8 28.16 D.C. Index 2.00"
3057 12.8 26.88 D.F. Wedge 2.09"
3057NA 12.8 26.88 D.F. Wedge 2.09"
3156 12.8 26.88 S.F. Wedge 2.09"
3156NA 12.8 26.88 S.F. Wedge 2.09"
3157 12.8 26.88 D.F. Wedge 2.09"
3157NA 12.8 26.9 D.F. Wedge 2.09"
3175 12 10 Festoon 1.22"
3457 12.8/14 28.1 D.F. Wedge 2.09"
3457NA 12.8/14 28.2/8.3 D.F. Wedge 2.09"
3797 24 2 Miniature Bayonet 0.93"
4114LL 14/14 31.2/8.3 D.F. Wedge 2.09"
4157LL 12.8/14 28.5/8.3 D.F. Wedge 2.09"
PR-2 2.38 1.2 S.C. Mini. Flanged 1.25"
PR-3 3.57 1.8 S.C. Mini. Flanged 1.50"
PR-20 8.63 4.32 S.C. Mini. Flanged 1.25"
11009 14.4 1.7 BA7s 0.75"
13050 13 4.9 SV7 1.14"
17053 12 2.0 BA9s 0.93"
78270 12 1.40 Wedge 0.80"
PC118 14 1.68 Printed Circuit 0.98"
120-PSB 120 3 Slide No.5 1.10"
120-MB 120 3 Miniature Bayonet 1.19"
130-MB 130 3.25 Miniature Bayonet 1.19"
Pigtails for Automotive Incandescent Bulbs
# of Lead Part
Use With Leads Length Number
63, 67, 89, 1156 1 12" PT-SC
1034, 1157, 2057 2 12" PT-DC
194, 194A 2 12" PT-ML-194
51, 53, 55, 57 1 12" PT-57
1156 1 10" PT-1156
1157, 195, 2057 2 8" PT-1157
# of Lead Part
Use With Leads Length Number

3057, 3057A,

3157, 3157A,


3 10" PT-3057

194, 194A,

168, 161

2 9" PT-194-90

196, 1016, 1034,

1154, 1157

2 12" PT-GM-1157S

Flashers and

Sealed Beams

3 12" PT-SB-3

2-Prong Flashers

and Sealed Beams

3 12" PT-SB-2
Halogen Headlight Capsules
Part Number Volts Watt Overall Length Pigtail Part #
1210/H1 12 100 2.43" -------
1210/H3 12 100 1.65" -------
1255-H1 12 55 2.46" -------
1255-H2 12 55 1.22" -------
1255-H3 12 55 1.65" -------
1255-H7 12 55 3.62" PT-H7
1255-H11 13.2 55 2.63" PT-H8-11
2470/H1 24 70 2.46" -------
2470/H3 24 70 1.65" -------
2470/H4 24 70 3.62" -------
Part Number Volts Watt Overall Length Pigtail Part #
9003 12 60 3.62" PT-H4/9003H-W
9004 12.8 65 3.74" PT-9004
9005 12.8 65 3.09" PT-9005
9005XS LL 12.8 55 3.09" PT-9005
9006 12.8 65 3.09" PT-9006
9006XS LLL 12.8 55 3.09" PT-9006
9007 12.8 65 3.74" PT-9004
9007BL 12.8 65 2.76" PT-9004
9008 12.8 65 3.54" -------
9140 12 40 3.09" -------
9145 12 45 3.09" -------
Pigtails for Halogen Headlight Capsules
Lead Part
Feature Length Number

High Temp. Socket

Use with H4/9003

5" PT-H4/9003HW

Headlight Hi-Lo Contact

Use with 9004

9" PT-9004

Headlight High Beam

Use with 9005

9" PT-9005

Headlight Low Beam

Use with 9006

H8, H11 Series 10" PT-H8-11
Lead Part
Feature Length Number
Straight Socket Pigtail 10" PT-800

90 Socket Pigtail

Use with 800 Series

10" PT-800-90
H7 Series 5" PT-H7
H9 Series 10" PT-H9

9000 Series, H10,

Use with H12 Series

10" PT-9000-H10-12
Miscellaneous Pigtails
Lead Part
Feature Length Number
Ford Voltage Regulator 8" PT-REG/FO

Ford Regulator HD,

6 Color Coded Wire Leads


For Alternator with Internal

Voltage Regulator


Under Dash Headlight Switch

Pigtail, F Series

6" PT-F0-HLS
Lead Part
Feature Length Number

Continuous Pigtails on 9"


9" PT-6020-100

Mates with .157 Male

Snap Plug

11" RP1-12

Mates with Itself

Molded 2-Wire Plug

9" RP2-12
Sealed Beams
Slip On
Screw Base
3 Lug Base
Part Number Volts Watts Base Type Application PAR/Size Diameter
4000 12.8 37.5 Hi / 60 Lo 3 Lug Auto Headlamp PAR46 5 3/4"
4350 36 60 Slip On Work Light/Elect. Truck PAR36 4 1/2"
4405 12.8 30 Screw Spot PAR36 4 1/2"
4411 12.8 35 Screw Tractor PAR36 4 1/2"
4412 12.8 35 Screw Fog/Automotive PAR46 5 3/4"
4412A 12.8 35 Screw Fog/Automotive PAR46 5 3/4"
4416 12.8 30 Screw Spot/Automotive PAR36 4 1/2"
4502 28 50 Screw Military Headlamp PAR36 4 1/2"
4505 28 50 Screw Spot Aircraft PAR36 4 1/2"
4578 28 60 2 Lug Flood/Construction PAR46 5 3/4"
4579 28 80 Hi / 60 Lo 3 Lug Headlamp/Construction PAR46 5 3/4"
4589 28 50 Screw Construction PAR36 4 1/2"
4636-3 14 80 Multipurpose Signal PAR46 5 3/4"
4651 12.8 50 2 Lug Headlamp-Hi 100mm x 165mm -------
4912-1 12.8 50 Slip On Tractor-Trap 100mm x 165mm -------
4921-1 12.8 100 Multipurpose Fog/Automotive 100mm x 165mm -------
6015 12.8 60 Hi / 50 Lo 3 Lug Headlamp Heavy duty PAR56 7"
6052 12.8 65 Hi / 55 Lo 3 Lug Headlamp-Hi/Low 142mm x 200mm -------
7400 12.8 35 Multipurpose Rotating Beacon PAR36 4 1/2"
H-4651 12.8 50 2 Lug Auto-Hi Halogen 100mm x 165mm -------
H-4656 12.8 35 Hi / 35 Lo 3 Lug Auto-Hi/Low Halogen 100mm x 165mm -------
H-4656BL 12.8 40 Hi / 55 Lo 3 Lug Headlamp-Hi/Low-Xenon 100mm x 165mm -------
H-4701 12.8 65 2 Lug Headlamp-Hi Halogen 92mm x 150mm -------
H-4703 12.8 55 2 Lug Headlamp-Low Halogen 92mm x 150mm -------
H-5001 12.8 50 2 Lug Headlamp-Hi Halogen PAR46 5 3/4"
H-5006 12.8 35 Hi / 35 Lo 2 Lug Auto-Hi Halogen PAR46 5 3/4"
H-6024 12.8 60 Hi / 35 Lo 3 Lug Auto-Hi/Low Halogen PAR56 7"
H-6054 12.8 65 Hi / 35 Lo 3 Lug Auto-Hi/Low Halogen 142mm x 200mm -------
H-6054HO 12.8 65 Hi / 55 Lo 3 Lug Auto-Hi/Low Xenon 142mm x 200mm -------
H-6545 12.8 65 Hi / 45 Lo 3 Lug Auto-Hi/Low Halogen 100mm x 165mm -------
H-7604 12.8 50 Screw Auto Spot Halogen PAR36 4 1/2"
H-7921-1 12.8 50 Slip On Fog/Automotive Halogen 100mm x 165mm -------
Sealed-Beam Retaining Grommet
Part Number Application PAR/Size
BE-920234 Sealed Beam Retaining Grommet PAR36 (MG4)
Automotive Flashers

Flashers are commonly used for turn signals and emergency lights to make lights flash rhythmically.





Number of
Lights Part Alternate
Volts Terminals Controlled Number Part Number
12 2 1-6 552 -------
12 2 2-6 552-BUSS -------
12 2 1-8 575 -------
12 3 2-6 550-BUSS -------
12 3 1-20 577 -------
12 2 1-10 852-5X -------
12 3 1-10 850-5X -------
12 2 1-10 EL-12 EF32
Number of
Lights Part Alternate
Volts Terminals Controlled Number Part Number
12 3 1-10 EL-13 EF33
12 3 1-6 EL-13A EF30A
12 2 16 EL-16 EF40
12 5 2-10 EF-27 -------
12 2 1-12 EF-32H -------
12 2 1-12 EF-32L EF-32LED
12 3 16 EF-41 -------
24 2 1-10 EG-22 -------
24 3 1-10 EG-23 EF-23
12 Volt Cigarette Plug Adapters

12 volt receptacles work with any standard 12-volt plugs. Cigarette plug adapters are sold individually.






(A) Cigarette Plug Black with 3 amp Fuse CIG-M
(B) Cigarette Plug Black with 3 amp Fuse MR-21070
(C) Cigarette Socket Black CIG-F
(D) Cigarette Socket Metal Insulated with Insert Lock CIG-FPP
(E) Cigarette Socket Black with Snap-in Design MR-12VRCSP